Please click on the link above or visit the JDT Quiz Submissions form to electronically submit your JDT quiz answers to NADL.

You will need the following information to enter your quiz answers online:

  • Name: your full name (example: John Smith, CDT)
  • CDT or RG Number: in format 000000-00
  • Quiz Number:
    • This number is printed at the top of each JDT quiz. You must select a quiz listed in the drop-down box.
  • Quiz Answers: enter the multiple choice answer (A, B, C or D) for each of the 10 questions. If the question is True/False, select A for True and B for False.
We recommend that you print out and complete the quiz prior to entering your answers online. Please keep this original quiz with your records as backup. Do not forward it to NADL or NBC.