ADA Committee On Dental Products
NADL has an appointed seat on the ADA Dental Products Committee. This role provides a voting seat on committees and subcommittees that review existing and potential ISO standards related to dental materials, equipment and other technologies that impact dentistry including those that have crossover application to the dental laboratory market.
Budget & Finance Committee
- Reports To: the Board of Directors. Comprised of Executive Committees of NADL, NBC and Foundation
The Budget & Finance Committee is responsible for studying the financial requirements of the Association and Trust; review of monthly payables and receivables; and drafting an annual operating budget for presentation to the Board of Directors. The committee forwards budgets to the Board of Directors and Trustees for adoption.
- Joseph Young - NADL
- Megan Nakanishi - NADL
- Tom Love - NADL
- Michael Farago - NADL
- Jeffery Davis, Master CDT, TE - NBC
- Barbara Warner, CDT, AAACD - NBC
- Michael Wandling, Master CDT - NBC
- Jamie Stover, CDT - NBC
- Beth Collington - Foundation
- Nick Azar - Foundation
Staff Liaisons
- Bennett Napier, CAE
- Rachel Luoma, MS, CAE
Business Management Committee
- Reports To: the Board of Directors
The Business Management Committee's continuing charge is to determine the present and ongoing business management needs of member laboratories and to develop and conduct programs designed to meet those needs. Specifically, the committee is charged with developing business management programs in conjunction with the Vision 21 meeting and NADL University.
- Megan Nakanishi (co-chair)
- Michael Farago (co-chair)
- Cole Bishop, CDT
- Judson Boothe
- Carolynn Capps, CDT
- R.J. DeLapa
- Bart Donnell, CDT
- Steve Fey
- Tad Friess
- Randi James
- Carrie Ling
- Michael Reina
- Dory Sartoris
- Calvin Song
- Jamie Stover, CDT
- Darin Throndson
- Rachel Young
Staff Liaisons
- Rachel Luoma MS, CAE
- Deborah Caldwell
Commission On Dental Accreditation
The Commission on Dental Accreditation is the agency which establishes standards for dental education and evaluates dental and dental-related educational programs to determine whether those standards are met and maintained. Educational programs that meet the required standards are awarded accreditation status. The American Dental Association as a separate, autonomous body established the Commission on Dental Accreditation; the U.S. Department of Education and the Council recognize it on Post-secondary Education (CODA) as the accrediting agency for all of dentistry.
Since 1978, NADL has been actively involved in the accreditation of two-year degree programs in dental technology. NADL appoints a Commissioner who is a full member of the Commission on Dental Accreditation and who votes on all issues pertaining to dental education -- including the accreditation of dental schools.
NADL also nominates site visitors to the Commission. These site visitors participate in site visits to accredited programs and to programs applying for accreditation status. Based on these visits and on reports prepared by the schools, site visitors make recommendations to the Review Committee on Dental Laboratory Technology Education and the Commission as to whether a program meets the requirements for becoming accredited or for maintaining its accreditation status.
- Lonni Thompson, CDT – Voting Commissioner
- Daniel Alter, CDT, TE – DLT Review Committee, Site Visitor
- Richard Wooddell – Appeals Committee
- Sandra Kotowske, BAHS, CDT, TE – DLT Review Committee
- Steve Pigliacelli, MDT, CDT – DLT Review Committee
JDT/Communications Advisory Board
- Reports To: the Board of Directors
The continuing charge of the COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BOARD is to contribute to the overall effectiveness of the Journal of Dental Technology; to recommend editorial policy; to acquire technical articles and develop procedures for their review; and to provide news items for publication. The committee also coordinates development of the NADL website to determine valuable content or mechanisms that will cross promote the Journal of Dental Technology and the website.
Specifically, the committee works with staff to develop methods of acquiring technical and management articles of interest to the readership; to motivate state components and other organizations to provide news items; and investigate ways and means to improve the overall financial position of the Journal of Dental Technology.
- Joseph Young (co-chair)
- Tom Love (co-chair)
- Ruben Arebalo
- Beth Collington
- Saro Hatzakortzian
- Bob Hayes, Master CDT
- Kurtis Helm, CDT
- Tracie Jesse, CDT
- Nate Kirkwood, CDT
- John Madden, Master CDT
- Shawn Nowak
- Mark Palmer
- Gene Peterson, CDT
- Sean Siegel
- Barb Warner, CDT
- Mike Zavada
Staff Liaisons
- Bennett Napier, CAE
- Kristi Demuth, CAE
Nominations Committee
- Reports To: the NADL Board of Directors.
The charge of the Nominations and Leadership Development Committee is to identify, qualify and present exceptional leadership candidates to the Board of Directors.
- Megan Nakanishi (chair)
- Denise Burris, CDT
- Jeff Davis, Master CDT
- Beth Collington
- Joseph Young
Staff Liaisons
- Bennett Napier, CAE
- Rachel Luoma, MS, CAE