VOL 41 NO 9
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Welcome to the Journal of Dental Technology (JDT) Magazine! The JDT is the official magazine of the National Association of Dental Laboratories. JDT helps you stay informed of changes that could impact the dental laboratory community and keeps you up to date on the evolving technical, educational, professional, and business issues.
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Perfect Impression Gun
The Perfect Impression Gun is designed for precision and versatility in dental applications. Featuring a 1:1 mix-ing ratio, it’s ideal for impression materials, provisional crown materials, and cementation of crowns. With an ergonomic grip to minimize fatigue, it ensures comfort and precision in every use.
Mediloy® RPD
Mediloy® RPD is a unique cobalt-chrome powder alloy that has been developed specifically to SLM print RPD frameworks. As a Wironium® grade alloy, Mediloy® RPD offers exceptional product safety in the SLM production of partial denture frameworks. RPD frameworks produced using the SLM process are characterized by an almost pore-free, smooth structure, very good clasp elasticity and provide patients with a high degree of safety and comfort at all times. The excellent flowability during production, high fatigue strength and ideal reproducibility result from the ideal, round particle shape and homogeneous grain distribution. In addition, using the SLM process allows dental laboratories a high degree of cost-effectiveness and de-sign freedom, making Mediloy® RPD a first-class product choice for patient restorations.
Ivotion Base Print Innovative denture bases for improved efficiency, ease of use and lifelike esthetics
Ivotion Base Print sets new standards in denture fabrication by enabling greater efficiency through simultaneous production. Dental technicians can print denture bases with Ivotion Base Print while simultaneously milling the denture teeth using Ivotion Dent Multi or Ivotion Dent in proven DCL material, significantly increasing efficiency over traditional sequential workflows. The material is easy of use and can be processed easily and contact-free with the PrograPrint PR5, ensuring a reliable 3D printing process and simplifying day-to-day work in the lab. Ivotion Base Print features three different shades, allowing for precise customization to meet various patient needs. Moreover, the material exhibits low stain and plaque affinity, leading to esthetic and durable dental restorations. It is ideal for the fabrication of denture bases for removable full dentures and can be processed in a validated workflow in the PrograPrint system as well as in other authorized printing systems.
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- Fabrication Procedures Manual, Dentsply/Austenal Quality Standards for Partial Dentures Manual, Dentsply/Trubyte Quality Standards for Complete Dentures Manual, PTC TechBook Series - Anterior & Posterior Porcelain Application, and more
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- JDT Technical Articles and Quizzes, JDT Subscriptions, Outsourcing and the Dental Laboratory Industry, Our American Workforce - 100 Years: 1920 - 2020 by William J. Cook
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